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There’s a vast range of WordPress themes to pick from, and that’s before you decide whether to go with free or commercial WordPress themes. Premium WordPress themes have a way of seducing us with their clean looks and extensive functionality, yet free alternatives are constantly enticing the bargain hunter in us all. You can find
With so many options available on the market, choosing a web host for your blog or website can be a daunting task. If you want to use WordPress to create a company website or blog, it’s only natural that you’d like to go with a respected and competent web host. The performance of your web
What is Email Marketing? The act of sending advertising messages to a target audience, consumers, or a group of individuals via email is known as email marketing. Email massaging is one of the oldest means of communication and still one of the most effective marketing channels. There are many tools around for marketing campaigns if
Digital marketing describes campaigns that are displayed on smartphones, tablets or computers. Online video, paid social ads and search engine marketing are all examples of digital marketing. Digital marketing is often used in conjunction with traditional marketing methods such as magazine ads and billboards. This is a strange association. What exactly is Digital Marketing? Digital